Gheibh sibh liosta de stuthan foillsichte air a sgrìobhadh leis an Dr Jacob King, an neach-rannsachaidh againn, an seo. Tha na leabhranan aig NàdarAlba rim faighinn airson cosgais puist bhon bhùth againn agus tha sinn air ceanglaichean a chur an cois far an robh seo comasach airson nam foillseachaidhean eile. Ma bhios ceist no moladh sam bith agaibh nach leig sibh fios.

‘Gaelic Place-names of Moray (2024) forthcoming
‘Ainmean-Àite Thròndairnis’ (2023) Guthan na Tìre
‘The A to Z of Whisky Place-Names: Landscape, Language & Invention‘ (2022) Whittles Publishing
‘Place-namesof the Aird and Strathglass, Inverness-shire’ (An Lùnastal 2019) [le Simon Taylor agus Ronald MacLean]
‘Gaelic in the Landscape Place-names Eriskay’ (Dualchas Nàdar na h-Alba 2019) [le Liam Crouse]
‘Scottish Gaelic Place-names: The Collected Works of Charles M. Robertson 1864-1927’ (Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba, 2019)
‘Island Place-names’, Scottish Islands Explorer, An Cèitean/An t-Ògmhios 2019
‘A Review of: Reading the Gaelic Landscape Leughadh Aghaidh na Tìre’ Scottish Studies 39, 2018
‘Gaelic Place-name of the Week’, An t-Albannach (2016-2018) [Rang seachdaineach san duilleag Ghàidhlig, a’ gabhail sùil air ainm-àite eadar-dhealaichte gach seachdain. Thèid an lorg sa bhlòg againn.]
‘Gaelic in the Landscape Place-names of Colonsay and Oronsay’ (Dualchas Nàdar na h-Alba 2017) [le Eilidh Sgaimeal]
‘The Semantic Structure of Scottish Hydronomy: Fifty Years on’, Scottish Place-name News No. 42, An t-Earrach 2017: 5
‘Early Gaelic names in Scotland’ (Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba 2017)
‘Gaelic Bùrn as a Generic Element in the North East of Scotland’, Scottish Place-name News No. 39, Am Foghar 2015: 12
‘Gaelic in the Landscape: Place-names of Strath, Isle of Skye’ (Dualchas Nàdar na h-Alba 2015) [le Eilidh Sgaimeal]
‘Varia: Aberladyand Abersuainie’, The Journal of Scottish Name Studies 8, 2014
‘Gaelic in the Landscape: The Rough Bounds of Lochaber’ (Dualchas Nàdar na h-Alba 2013) [le Dr Heather Clyne]
‘Gaelic in the Landscape: Place-names in Islay and Jura’ (Dualchas Nàdar na h-Alba 2011) [le Michelle Cotter]
‘Varia: Aberkarf’, The Journal of Scottish Name Studies 4, 2010: 159
‘Aberkarf’, Scottish Place-name News No. 28, An t-Earrach 2010: 5
‘Varia: Haberberui: An Aberration?’, The Journal of Scottish Name Studies 3, 2009: 127
‘Analytical Tools for Toponymy: Their Application to Scottish Hydronymy’, PhD., Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, 2008
‘The Brittonic Language on the Old North’, Scottish Place-name News No. 24, An t-Earrach 2008: 7
‘Varia: Endrick and Lunan’, The Journal of Scottish Name Studies 1, 2007: 150
‘Review of Placenames of the Isle of Man’, The Journal of Scottish Name Studies 1, 2007: 174
‘‘Lochy’ names and Adomnán’s Nigra Dea’ Nomina 29, 2005